Monday, January 24, 2005

The Edge of a Journey: another Journey Awaits

Time is ticking. Heart is rushing. It's nearly time to pack our bags again and go, move on to the next destination: home. It's been a crazy 6 months of our life, being nomadic and we've never yet been settled eversince we got married.

Right after our wedding we went straight to honeymoon, then Jakarta as Nuki intended to built his career (and me, likewise). We didn't stay that long in Jakarta as we then moved to Holland for me to pursue my master's. We stayed for about 6 months (with Nuki once went back to Indonesia as his visa expired). After I finished my courses in June 2004, I went back to Indonesia for 2 weeks, meet up with Nuki, and then we travelled to together Bangkok and stayed there for my 3 months internship and research.

After Bangkok, again we encountered another temporary separation as I headed for London to attend a Board Meeting for a UNEP project. Then I got back to Holland for a week, packed my bags, then left to Paris. There I was alone for a month, started everything from scratch. Nuki came afterwards, and we reunited in Paris for another 2 months.

Amidst our stay in Paris, I had to attend a workshop in Malaysia, so there we were faced with another temporary separation; I went to Malaysia, while Nuki went to Holland. It was only for couple of days, but somehow it felt so hard to leave each other!

Then after Paris, in January we went back together to Holland, hitherto. Now we're ready to leave again next month, in February.

The story is yet to be finished! Our plan is that we'll be in Indonesia only until mid March as he has to commence his PhD in Thailand, on April 1. Well, another packing and unpacking, moving out and moving in to do.

Sometimes I looked back and forward in disbelief. Nonetheless I feel so grateful and blessed, to be given such rewarding experiences by living in different continents and estranged places. Yet the adaptation and exhaustion all these travel entails drank up my energy. I long for settling in one place, a place that we could call home... a place I could start decorating without any hesitation as we're sure to live there in a given time.

I feel so relieved, my master's is nearly completed, and we're ready to head 'home'. Wherever it is. Not necessarily our hometown, but a place that we can settle in for longer time than 6 months.
It's been a rewarding experience to travel abroad, especially as we're still young and have yet any parenting responsibilities. I've lived on my mum's dreams, my late grandparents' dreams, to travel around Europe during adolescence. Adolescence that will fade soon, as we'll start our new life in routine, commencing the essence of marriage, living out our dreams in reality.

The sun has set, yet the dreams may remain. There will be another day of sunshine, clouds, and rain. Yet our togetherness in our walk of life will enlighten ourselves from gravels that may stumble us along the way, turning gloominess into brightness, bringing encouragement and patience in our ups and downs.

All that matter at the end of the day is love. I've found the missing piece of me through my husband, and together we are ready to face another day. Uncertainty, anxiety, hope, or opportunity? We can never predict what we've got in store for us, yet our strong bond will hopefully be able to cope with all the surprises life brings


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